eternal life bible verse meaning
Lets take a deeper look at the meaning of this Bible verse and how we are to strive to sow good works and reap the benefits of heaven. 39 Search the scriptures--Better Ye search the Scriptures.
And yet they have as much as is needful for them and what they have they have with a blessing.

. Consider for example the often quoted text from Jeremiah 2911. The question whether the mood is imperative or indicative whether we have here a commandment to examine the writings of the Old Testament canon or a reference to their habit of doing so is one which has been discussed through the whole history of New Testament exposition and one on which the opinion of those. 67 the agrarian community would have understood the process of sowing.
And we know that all things work together for good There is a temporal good and a spiritual good and an eternal one. We have to consider the meaning of each Bible verse in context to determine if it is a general promise or if it is something that God intended for a particular person or group of people. For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you.
The biblical principle of sowing and reaping is not Karma. Temporal good is what the men of the world are seeking after and generally have the greatest share of and the saints the least. When the apostle Paul writes to the Galatian church Whatever one sows that will he also reap Gal.
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